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Starting from Scratch Drawing

A quick way to start a new image to start from scratch, which started a picture using the settings from the default image file template.
We can start from the beginning of the New Drawing dialog box, from the Select Template dialog box, or without using a dialog box at all.
In any case, get used to using one of the NEW command or command QNEW.
Use the Create New Drawing Dialog Box
New Drawing dialog box provides several methods to launch a new image.
When we start drawing from Scratch, We can define metrics for the new image.
The settings you choose will determine the default values are used for variable control system a lot of text, dimensions, grid, snap,
and the default linetype and hatch pattern file.
Create a new image based on the imperial measurement system. Pictures using the internal default values, and the grid limit the default view, called the boundaries of the grid, is 12 × 9 inches.
Metrics. Create a new image based on the metric system of measurement. Pictures using the internal default values, and the default grid line display 429 × 297 millimeters.
We click New on the File menu or, by default, Qnew on the Standard toolbar.
In the bottom right corner of the Select Template dialog box, there is the Open button with the arrow keys on the side. If we click the arrow button, we can choose between two images of internal default templates, metric or imperial.

Use the Default Drawing Template File
We set a default image file template in the Options dialog box on the File tab. Click the node labeled "Drawing Template Settings" and specify the path and image file template.
We Qnew click on the Standard toolbar.
From now on, instantly creating a new image based on the specified standard image template file.
If no template file specified in the Options dialog box, QNEW displays the Select Template dialog box.

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